Leading Change

Programs for you, your team and your organisation

Most CEOs are aware their organisation has dormant potential and desire to bring it to life. We provide a number of programs that previous clients testify deliver a positive ROI.

“I watched our leadership group transform… from just a few… to over 90% constructive leaders –  It was just amazing.”

– Mark Searle, CEO City of Marion (former)


Engage, educate and empower: view Dr Josie McLean’s speaker showreel

Josie McLean’s keynote was not just informative; it was transformative. Her insights and expertise are invaluable, and her ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and enthusiasm is truly commendable.
— Francesco Vassallo, LAST Conference
Despite the often-overwhelming nature of the climate change topic, Josie managed to establish a strong connection with the audience comprising more than 150 library industry professionals.
— Pepper Mickan, Light Regional Council
Her speech was a beautifully clear portrayal of the gap between our current prevailing mechanistic societal systems, and the living systems that we need to bring to life instead.
— Stu Pickles, Climate Coaching Alliance